International Personal Care Company Experience
Over the years, SOMA served as Corporate Occupational Medical Advisor (CMA) for many companies in a diverse range of industries, including an international, Fortune 100 personal care company. We assisted each of these companies in their occupational medical program development and activities including protocol development and implementation, employee fitness for duty and medical case management, ergonomic and job analysis assessments, and environmental issues. In addition to our CMA role, we also served as a risk control consultant to major corporations, providing industrial hygiene, risk improvement, ergonomic, training and safety services worldwide.
SOMA’s experiences specific to the international personal care company includes, as one example, job analyses (JA) where, in collaboration with our client, SOMA developed many job analyses spanning a wide range of job titles, from research to production and marketing and sales. To complete these job analyses we performed onsite evaluations and obtained quantified job demand data. These completed JAs have been subsequently used for functional ability test protocol development and medical exam implementation by third parties.
We also frequently consulted with clients on concerns with regard to evolving occupational and environmental issues such as infectious disease, indoor air quality, employee illness management, emergency response, and others, and addressed concerns and provided direction to human resource and safety staff and communication to employees.
Our experience in the areas we cover is extremely diversified, from development and implementation of a complete occupational health program, to dealing with a potential work-related musculoskeletal injury, and researching the potential reproductive and other hazards of a new substance in a manufacturing process.