Your partner... in managing your medical exam programs
When it comes to managing your occupational health (OH) exams program, our expertise, experience and evidence-based solutions provide you with the peace of mind that you and your workforce are in the hands of experienced professionals.
From program setup to ongoing management of your OH exams program, we work closely with you and your staff to tailor a process that fits perfectly with your needs. Beginning with in-depth evaluation of your workforce’s essential job duties and the development of custom-fit medical standards, to an efficient quality assurance system resulting in medical-based decisions, our approach ensures compliance with health and safety regulatory standards and occupational medicine best practices.
We do the heavy lifting, freeing you up to focus on managing your workforce. Our comprehensive OH exam review process covers pre-placement, fitness-for-duty, return-to-work, DOT certifications, among others. Elements of this process include:
In-depth assessment of current program and processes
Continual review of essential job functions
Utilization our proven methods and development of job-tailored medical standards
Program manual development including forms, exam components, medical interpretation guidelines, and recordkeeping
Online SOMAVIP-OH system, setup, training and management
Assistance with clinic identification and vetting
Expert review recommendations of each exam
Clinical follow up and evaluation of abnormal findings
Tailored recommendations to meet your needs and help ensure regulatory compliance
These systems and tools keep you updated with the goal of getting the employee back to work quickly and safely.